Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's Get Real

Two things were true in 2011. 

1. I was incredibly overweight.
2. I spent time convincing myself that I was being photographed from "bad angles."

Exhibit A: Guatemala, March 2011
(I thought the tank top was the problem)

Exhibit B: Cousin-Fest, June 2011

Exhibit C: Trish's Wedding, August 2011
I look like I could eat Brian. 

Exhibit D: Christmas. Also known as "Day before I stopped being Fat" 

Exhibit E: Jeri & Steve's Wedding. I managed to have ROLLS while wearing SPANX. 
That's right. The SPANX couldn't control my rolls. 

It seems like maybe people are uncomfortable with the way I view things. 
They view this as, "Being hard on myself"

I don't hate myself. 
I didn't hate myself then, and I don't hate myself now. 
I love myself, actually. 
And that is EXACTLY the reason I needed to drop weight. 

And as kind as it is for people to say things like, "Oh you don't need to lose weight," I don't feel that way. I was completely abusing my body. I secretly never believed I could do it. 

I posted the above photos to prove that I'm not being dramatic. 

I. Was. Fat. 

End of story. 

And now I look like this...

Call it "being hard on myself" if you want. I call it realism. And if what I need is for realism to kick me in the ass to LOSE THESE NEXT THIRTY LBS., then bring it on!

I'm just excited to no longer look like a linebacker!!! Woo hoo!!! :)

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