Thursday, October 6, 2011

Laura's Favorite Things

So instead of the blatant rip off of Angela's "What I'm loving Wednesday", I'm going to blatantly rip off Oprah.

In a new segment I'm coining, "Laura's Favorite Things."

First things first:

I have drank my body weight in pumpkin lattes this week.

This is such a delightful edition to fall. I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some pumpkin latte.

I have played lots of online solitaire. Winning is VERY therapeutic! And no shuffling!

Best deal of the week: Princess puzzle from the Dollar Store!!!
Do not underestimate how awesome toys can be for only $1!

And something for ME...super soft t-shirt from Old Navy.
I put it on and left it on for like 12 hours. It felt so nice. Do yourself a favor and buy one.

And as always, I LOVE Edy's Lime Fruit Bars. Sometimes, I eat one for breakfast. De-lish.

Also, I've gotten several compliments on my mascara this week. Its LANCOME baby.
Does it cost like $20? Yes.
Is that a little expensive? Yes.
Do my lashes look FANTASTIC? YES.

And finally...Its National Physical Therapy Month!!!
I love my job, its amazing, and its a great time to celebrate what we do!

And to dedicate this post to my little peanuts that work so hard everyday to learn the small things we all take for granted...their motivation and toughness is something we adults could learn from!!! They inspire me every day!

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