Thursday, October 13, 2011

Get Stoked for Halloween!

Generally speaking, I really enjoy Halloween!!!

I've been trying to come up with unique costumes for some time...I haven't included the "greek goddess" (pretty but typical) or the 20's flapper (I basically wore an old dance costume) OR the year that I went as a Canadian (and wore hunting gear and drank Molson) since they weren't my best.

I really think I hit my stride in recent years.

But a little bit of costume history first...

I think it all started when I was 3, and my mom dressed us up in matching "Sexy Nurse" costumes.

As a 1st grader, my mom sent me to school with a hula girl costume (sent from my Aunt in Hawaii) with a turtleneck to go underneath it. (for modesty--Catholic school!!!)
Aaaaaand I wore it without the turtle neck!!! My mom got a phone call about "appropriate" costumes. Whoops.

As a chubby college student, I enjoyed watching the "Anna Nicole Smith" show. You remember, when she was still chunky and on drugs??? Well, I channeled my inner Anna with a wig I bought at Savers....nothing like sweatpants and lingerie...

There aren't a lot of "classy" photos from Halloween 2007. I was a GOLDEN GLOBE AWARD.
And yes, I carried the giant gold ball overhead the ENTIRE night!!!

In 2008, I opened up a can of "whoop ass", so to speak...

In 2009, took a bite out of crime as a hot cop. Here I am, cleaning up the streets.

And Last Year...
I went as "Miss Pain From the Ukraine."
A kick ass female boxer, whose glove had a sign that said, "I'll f*** you up!!!"

Cheers to this year. I have a big idea. Let's see if it comes to fruition.

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