Sunday, July 7, 2013

Big Family News.

A few days ago, I found out some huge news. 

My little brother, Chris, is engaged to his girlfriend Natasha. 
And they are expecting my first niece or nephew! 

This news is incredibly overwhelming for me. 
I feel like I am already bursting with love for my new little niece or nephew, and so excited to be an Auntie! I am so proud and full of love for my brother, one of the most important people in my life. 
I am looking forward to getting to know Natasha, who will be my new sister-in-law. 

I am accepting that my "little" brother is going to be a Daddy. 

My little Chris, who loved this Ninja Turtles

Who is so easy-going...

I remember when he was so young. It seems like only yesterday...
Dressing him up in my dance costumes. (Dad LOVED that.) 
Playing in the yard with Dad and Chris. 
The Cape, Maine, the neighborhood. 

Such a happy kid...
Who loved fishing with Grampy, and playing outside...
He would run into my room at 6am screaming "Wah-roo" (this is how he said "Laura" as a toddler) 
He let me push him down the stairs on a mattress. 
(After I taught him how to climb out of his crib.) 

And grew into a pretty funny adult. 

He always had a soft spot for our younger cousins.
And now he's going to have a little one of his own. 

The depth of the love I have for my brother is hard to articulate. 
He is very private. We don't "hang out" tons. 
But he is one of the single most important people in my life. 
I love him fiercely. 
I worry about him. 
I rejoice in his victories, grieve with his defeats. 
He hasn't had the easiest time growing up...didn't make the best choices. 
He struggled to become the man that he is. 
And in the past few years he has become someone I am incredibly proud of...
Overcoming demons, achieving goals, finding love, supporting himself.

I can't help but worry. 
He is so young. 
Will they be ok? 
How can I make this easier? 
How can I support them? 

I hope that he can grow up BUT retain his silly nature. 
His sense of humor. 

I hope this doesn't change who he is when it comes to his laid back personality. 

This new development has filled me with even more love and respect for my baby brother. 

Who will now have a BABY of his own.

And he will never read this blog. He doesn't even know it exists. 

Dear Chris, 
I know you will be an amazing Dad. 
More patient and easy going than I could ever be. 
Simple, approachable, kind-hearted, and helpful. 
A gentle soul. 
I know your baby will be lucky to have you, and lucky to have Natasha for a mommy. 
I hope you let me help relieve as much financial burden as I can. 
I hope you accept any advice I give in the spirit its intended--to be helpful not intrusive. 
(I hope I can step back and remember to let you do this on your own--you are not a baby anymore.)
I hope I can have a close relationship with Natasha, whom I do not know well, but would like to.
I hope my new niece or nephew knows how important they are, and how loved they are. 
Please know that I love you more than anything. 
In this life there are a precious few people that I would give my own life for, and you are one of them. 
If you ever need me, I will be there. 
I'm so proud of you. 
My baby brother. 
A Daddy-to-be. 

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