Sunday, September 30, 2012

Love never fails.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 
Love never fails. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Purging my Frustration

So if you want something uplifting, stop reading now.

I need to vent my frustration, feelings of helplessness, and anger over my current journey with weight loss. 

I know these feelings will fade, that I'll manage them, that I will prevail.  But I need to work through them somehow, if I'm going to stay the course.

But right now, I'm not sure how.

I've dedicated myself over the last couple/few weeks to re-charging my weight loss. After giving myself a little wiggle room and plateauing for a long time, I've been all about my health over the last couple weeks.

-I started drinking TONS of water, including Jillian Michaels Detox Water.
-I increased the intensity of my workouts.

I've been working at this. For example:
When I'm at trivia and everyone else has a beer, I have tea.
When Brian eats Reese's Pieces sundaes, I eat raspberries.
When everyone at work has cake and donuts, I eat my greek yogurt.
When I had to work late this Tuesday, I stopped working, WENT FOR A RUN, and came BACK to work.

To be fair, I've had one or two things I shouldn't have had. I had a TINY piece of cake on Thursday (like tiny)
and ate a bite size snickers on Wednesday night.

So that brings me to this morning.

My gut looks a little smaller. I've been working so hard. I lost weight last week. I'm motivated, excited...and I get on the scale...I actually caught myself thinking, "I bet I lost several pounds. I wonder if I'm going to be under 180 finally..."



I basically just threw a shit fit. If I can't eat a mother f***ing bite size snickers without gaining a pound I'm going to lose my mind. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. It's like my body is conspiring against me.

I know I'm doing the right stuff. For example, today I ran a mile in 9:30. That's slow for some people. For me, that's lightning! I was averaging 12-13 min/mile last winter/spring.

And I SWEAR my gut looks smaller. I don't think I'm seeing things. 

I've got to get a plan.
I've got to keep going.
But I'm so frustrated.
Feeling powerless.
Like what I've been doing doesn't matter.

But its hard not to.

Ugh. Let's hope for a better week next week.

Pounds lost: 57 (boo)
Pounds to go: 23 

Friday, September 21, 2012

182. Thanks Jillian Michaels.

I finally beat my weight-loss plateau this week!!! Lost 2 pounds!!!

It's time to get my ass in gear! I'm re-motivated and ready to rock the next 22 lbs!!!

Part of the solution was my Jillian Michael's DETOX WATER that I saw on pinterest...

60 oz. water
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. PURE 100% cranberry juice
1 dandilion root tea bag (can find it at GNC)

(I added a green tea bag to improve the taste. Plus green tea is a natural metabolism booster and super healthy!)

You drink this EVERY day. Plus whatever else you eat & drink. I'm much better hydrated. I guess its supposed to remove the toxins and help you lose bloat and water weight. And it seemed to help, since I FINALLY lost some weight!!!

I'm pumped.

Pounds lost: 58
Pounds till original goal: 12 
Pounds till final goal: 22

I've also reached a point where I am letting this new haircut go curly. I'm not sure how cute it is, but DAMN its easier than straightening it!!! 


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Trina's Wedding!

My friend Trina from college got married this weekend! It was such a great day!

But first, a little "photo history" of our days at URI...




Dancing. (Ass grinding.) 

Being sexy for the bar. 

What can I even say? 

And more recently we've been able to celebrate the big events for Erika...

Which has really shown us that some things never change...

Here's some gorgeous pics from the wedding...

 Trina & Costa

Erika & I enjoying cocktail hour

First dance

The Greek tradition of throwing money...

My hot date and I

Some pics of FUN!!! 

Classy at all times.  

Did I mention SUPER classy? 

Complete with one gorgeous bride (love you!)

And a flower girl that schools adults on the dancefloor!