Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bogged down=blog hiatus

So I had a little blog hiatus.

A couple things happening.

1.) Major weight plateau.
I'm down to 184, but been constantly fighting the up and down on the scale.
I'm exhausted. I want to stop but I WILL NOT. No worries, I'm not going to quit.
I'm just tired. And wanting to see some results.

2.) Work is about to get stressful. 
The other P.T. in one of my programs just gave her notice. She's gone in a week. She has 30 kids that need P.T. and I'm the only person that can do it. And there doesn't seem to be any urgency to hire someone else. So I'm trying to just breathe and remind myself that I can only do what I can do.

On the lighter side...

-Trina's wedding is next weekend! So excited!

-Brian and I just returned from a long weekend in Maine, and we had a fantastic time!

-My friends in Kansas, Angela & Gabe, finally had their adorable little baby girl Lyla last weekend!

-I am officially CUTTING my hair in 2 weeks! Time to donate! I'm nervous.

I know this isn't much of an update, but to be honest, I haven't had any desire to blog lately. I think its because I'm pretty stressed and frustrated and I don't want to produce whiny, miserable blogs. BUT I do have pics to share, from my long weekend with Brian, and I WILL post these this week!

Happy Sunday everyone!

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