Friday, August 30, 2013

Speed Bump

So today was just another friday.

I decided to weigh-in. See how I did over the past two weeks.

I went to a wedding last weekend so definitely cheated a couple days...BUT worked out almost every day.

I figured I stayed the same.
Or gained a pound maybe.


Allegedly, I gained five pounds in the last 2 weeks. 

I say allegedly because I didn't believe it.

I smirked, said "There's no way" and got BACK on the scale.

And apparently, I am five pounds heavier.

I don't want to say I GAINED five pounds. Because that's nonsense.
My measurements are the same if not smaller.

For the first time since I started my journey, I didn't cry when I realized I'd put on a large amount of pounds. Mostly because I know, deep down, this isn't five pounds of FAT.

Here's what it is: 

1. Muscle. I've been doing strength training. Much more frequently. I feel tighter. So this is partially muscle. 

2. BLOAT. I ate meat, junk, and drank alcohol during those few days off. And I've drank water this week but I think I need to drink extra to counteract all that salt and liquor.  

3. Ahem, constipation. I have not "gone" today. 

4. Actual weight. I did cheat on the diet a few days and probably gained a little of real weight somehow. 

So this week, I'm going to focus.

WORKING OUT. (maybe a little more cardio LOL)

And I'm going to pray that when I get back on the scale next week I've fought the bloat, used my increased muscle to burn more fat, lost the couple lbs. of "real" weight, and gotten back close to where I was before.

I have to say, I do feel like a failure.

I'm angry that cheating for one weekend has such a huge consequence for me. It doesn't seem fair.

But life isn't fair sometimes. I need to do what I need to do. And I have goals, and I'm not going to stop.

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