Friday, May 10, 2013

Pre Weigh-In Jitters

It's 7am. I need to weigh in today.


My heart is pounding.
When I opened my eyes the adrenaline sat me right up in bed.

It's like the scale as become an enemy again. 

Last weekend I over-ate at Lane & Brent's cookout.
Now granted, I burned 3,000 calories between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday workouts...
So I only could have gained so much.

As a matter of fact, I still burned much more than I consumed this week.

I. just. don't. trust. my body. 

I feel like the SECOND I slip up, I put on weight.
And last weekend I made the choice to enjoy myself...

But at what cost? 

I've worked SO hard the last 51 days (only 2 days left until the 53 day push is over!)

And I am flat out terrified to weigh in and have gained weight. TERRIFIED.

I don't like this new development.
I don't like being afraid to weigh in.
I don't like feeling powerless.
I don't like feeling so exhausted.

So we'll see what the scale says!!!

Praying to God to have the strength to deal with the number. No matter what it is!!!

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