Tuesday, February 5, 2013

So What Happens Day 31?

I'm on Day 27! (And about to go to bed, so it's almost over!)

Friday is my last day on the Whole 30. I have a doctor's physical, and I'm getting weighed. So we'll see how things go. Even 5 lbs. would be a victory.

My thoughts on the Whole 30 now that it's nearly complete:


1. This has helped me...(with regards to dieting)
     a) cut out dairy
     b) omit most carbohydrates
     c) eat more naturally and find strategies to make healthy choices
     d) re-introduced me to lots of fresh and awesome foods

2. Improved my overall health
     a) I sleep more (you're supposed to get 9 hours/night on Whole 30.)
     b) I get many less headaches. I had one menstrual headache this month. That's IT. Normally I get at least one headache weekly.
     c) Increased energy


1. Very expensive. Labor intensive. Preparation Intensive. Pain in the ass sometimes.

2.  I still get cravings sometimes, and they SUCK.

3.  I have trouble regulating my portions. You're not supposed to count calories on Whole 30 and I need more accountability for the amount I eat.

4.  Because you get so many cravings, I feel like I indulged more in nuts and red meat, which I'm not convinced are more healthy than other options that are not included on this eating plan.

So...the real question is...
What's NEXT?

Here's my Plan: 

1. Dairy is out. 
(Almond milk, which is non-dairy but not allowed on Whole 30, however, is back IN.)

2. I am going to count/estimate calories again.

3. I am continuing to omit bread, white potatoes, white rice, and refined sugars.

4. I am going to continue to avoid excessive artificial sweetener.

5. Peanut butter and soy are back! In moderation.

6. I am going to slowly re-introduce specific healthy carbs: beans, quinoa, and oatmeal...and see how it goes.

7. Overall, I'm going to eat probably about 80-90% paleo moving forward.

8. No beer or wine. White liquor with no sugar added. Calorie free mixers.

8. AND...I'm instituting one CHEAT MEAL per week to which NO RULES APPLY. I'm sure there will be little cheats here and there but I'm really trying to stick to it!!!

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