Sunday, June 3, 2012

Another Joyful Celebration!

Just returned from Rhinecliff, NY. Erika and Keith FINALLY tied the knot yesterday. 
It was a romantic, magical ceremony with 75 of their closest friends and family. 
(and I was lucky enough to be among those people.) 

(Seriously, how gorgeous are they?)

Keith waiting for Erika as she walks down the aisle.

Now...Erika is my friend from college. But she and Keith have been together for YEARS so I've known him quite a while. I would call him in Syracuse to help my troubleshoot my computer issues, he is part of many fun weekends and memories in Narragansett, and a great person in his own right! 

Gorgeous bride Erika walking down the aisle with her mom. 

Erika was radiant in her lace gown. There was laughter and tears as the J.O.P. recounted Erika and Keith's love story, how they fit together as two parts of one whole, and how they are best friends. 

It was obvious to everyone there how much they love each other. 

Their wedding was at the Rhinecliff Hotel. Pretty views of the Hudson. Gorgeous day. Intimate setting for a small wedding. And what a great time we all had...I actually had TOO good a time and had to be put to bed early!!! 

The grounds are very pretty; ideal for photo ops with your handsome date! 

 I got to see my love Trina again, along with her fiancee Costa. They are getting married this fall. 

I also got to enjoy peach champagne, DiSarono & Gingers, and tequila shots. 
...Which resulted in even MORE photo ops! 

Erika and I have been friends since 2003, our freshman year of college. Over the past five years, we have NEVER lived close by! And so, we don't see each other very often. But there's something to be said about lifelong friends; it doesn't matter HOW OFTEN you see them, since every time you do, it's like no time has gone by. 

I have so many amazing, fun, CRAZY, memories with these girls. Blessed to still have them as good friends. Can't believe how old we are! 

It was such an honor to be part of Erika's special day. She and Keith are truly made for each other. It's incredible to be able to witness such a huge milestone and event for a close friend; it can be overwhelming and emotional (in a good way.) It makes me so happy to watch Erika take her first step in her new life as a married woman...and celebrate all the great memories still to come!

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