Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Your Blog is Crying for Attention."

.....This is the text I received from Lane at 12:36p.m. today.

And you know its pretty bad when even LANE notices I haven't updated!

It's not that nothing is happening...but I've been exhausted and busy lately. And my life somehow doesn't seem "blog-worthy."

So this is going to be incredibly random...

1. I've been obsessed with this mug.

I've been finding excuses to use it, and carry it. (Words facing OUT, of course.)

2. Lane and I had a grown woman play date last weekend

We went to Spain, and thanks to a gift certificate, only spent $12! The food was AMAZING.

We then proceeded to go to Lane's house. We decided to walk to her Grandma's to go in the hot tub. So we put on bathingsuits, towels, and boots to run through the snow. Surprise--hot tub was turned off---and cold. So we ran back. It was ridiculous. Not really something adults do. Haha.

3. I've lost a little bit of weight
Not tons, but enough to start feeling a difference.

4. I may have to get a smart phone.
I'm terrified, irritated, and resistant. But it might have to happen.

To be honest, I don't have a lot to say this second, but I needed to get back on the blog wagon!

I'll follow up with something more interesting this week... promise!!!

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