Sunday, January 29, 2012

A "Heavy" Subject

Fact: I have never been thin.

Even as a toddler I was "chubby." Even in my "thinner" years, "thin" didn't really apply.

I don't want to feel sorry for myself. I think my weight is my own responsibility. But it's hard to describe to people what it feels like to be fat.

How, even at your THINNEST, you are still the biggest person in your group of friends.

For me, being only chubby (and not obese) is my "thin."

I wasn't sedentary growing up. I played outside. Enjoyed moving around. Never SUPER fast at running, never the highest jumper. But not a kid that sat inside, ate two pizzas and played video games.

But still, the weight crept up. As a teenager, I struggled with self esteem issues. Yo-yo between starving myself and bingeing. I never felt I had an eating disorder...until I realized that my gorging and self-loathing are part of an eating disorder called OVER-EATING.

I felt so angry. Why couldn't I just STOP when my friends stopped? Why can't I eat the same things, in the same quantity, be the same size?

Why couldn't I shop at 5-7-9? (Answer: they didn't sell size 13 at 5-7-9)

Why didn't boys like me the way they liked my friends?

Basically...I hated myself. Miserable. Crawling out of my skin.

And ate MORE. Because...when you feel hopeless, why not?

After gaining MASSIVE amounts of weight in college, the first time I ever made progress towards real weight loss was in 2006, my senior year of college.


I exercised, counted calories, and lost a good amount of weight.

I felt more toned---more good about myself. I didn't have to wear Spanx.

I did a lot of smiling.


Then I started grad school. Stress. Less time to work out. Limited funds.

My first year, I gained 5 lbs. I remember thinking..."I'm going to nip this in the bud NOW."

By the end of 2nd year, the weight was creeping on more and more...


High blood pressure.

35 lbs. of weight gain.

Self-loathing. mixed with denial. More eating. You get it.

I looked like a swollen tick.

By the time I graduated, I was a full-fledged fatty again.

So the question is...why do I allow this to happen? Why don't I buckle down and lose the weight?

Most of my time is spent somewhere in between "thin" and "fatty." I convince myself (I think) and those around me that I want to lose a little weight but that I'm happy with myself.

And it isn't all a lie. I do think I have a nice shape. I do think I have a "pretty face." But I'd love someone to just say that I'm "beautiful" or "gorgeous" and not qualify it...not say, "a pretty...face." I haven't had that many problems finding men that find me attractive. It doesn't seem that my weight factors into my dating life THAT much.

But the bottom line is...why don't I believe in myself?

I am positive that I CAN do this. I CAN lose weight.

But somehow...I give up.

Is it too hard?

I get it that I'm indignant because I think its unfair that its so hard for me?

When I think about my weight, and how I've let myself gain and lose so constantly...and how I've given up on myself...the words that come to mind are...






I am so ready to beat this. I am so ready to stop avoiding scales. I want to feel beautiful head to toe. Of all the things I've accomplished in my life thus weight is the only demon I've yet to conquer.

I'm putting this out there to remind myself that I can do it.

I'm tired of loving myself so completely and HATING this one aspect of myself.

So, I'm going to LOVE myself completely. Take a deep breath. I will keep working on it. And I will become happier, healthier, and I will absolutely, positively, FINALLY, lose this weight.

Nothing will stop me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Your Blog is Crying for Attention."

.....This is the text I received from Lane at 12:36p.m. today.

And you know its pretty bad when even LANE notices I haven't updated!

It's not that nothing is happening...but I've been exhausted and busy lately. And my life somehow doesn't seem "blog-worthy."

So this is going to be incredibly random...

1. I've been obsessed with this mug.

I've been finding excuses to use it, and carry it. (Words facing OUT, of course.)

2. Lane and I had a grown woman play date last weekend

We went to Spain, and thanks to a gift certificate, only spent $12! The food was AMAZING.

We then proceeded to go to Lane's house. We decided to walk to her Grandma's to go in the hot tub. So we put on bathingsuits, towels, and boots to run through the snow. Surprise--hot tub was turned off---and cold. So we ran back. It was ridiculous. Not really something adults do. Haha.

3. I've lost a little bit of weight
Not tons, but enough to start feeling a difference.

4. I may have to get a smart phone.
I'm terrified, irritated, and resistant. But it might have to happen.

To be honest, I don't have a lot to say this second, but I needed to get back on the blog wagon!

I'll follow up with something more interesting this week... promise!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Little Kid Germs

I went to sleep 6 hours ago, healthy.

I woke up @ 4am, fully sick.


I don't get sick as often these days, since I've built up immunity to a lot of things from my line of work. Little kids carry some STRONG germs, though.

And when one of those little kid germs hits your system the wrong way, you're in for a world of hurt.

My ears hurt, my throat hurts, I'm sniffling. Swollen glands. The whole nine yards.

But I have a PLAN.
Allow me to share my "I'm getting sick let's nip this in the bud...plan."

Step One: Start drinking Airborne like 10 times daily for the next few days.

Step Two: Eat my body weight in chicken noodle soup. The whole "feed a cold, starve a fever" mantra comes to mind.

Step Three: Spend lots of quality time with my bed.

Step Four: Quarantine myself and douse myself in hand sanitizer so I don't get my Grampy sick.

This last part is nerve-wracking. My sweet Grampy is 91 and his immune system cannot handle these germs. A little cold for him turns into pneumonia. I do not plan on touching him for days!!!

But in all honesty, that plan is what I should do. I may end up going to the gym, going out to lunch, and going out for drinks with the Betty Whites (trivia team) as planned. Since I have the day off and don't want to waste it...

See you guys in a few days when I'm miserably sick and regretting not following my plan!!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012! Also known as: Year I turn 28.

The amount of people I saw at the gym yesterday is a testament to the amount of people who make new years "resolutions" to be better versions of themselves. (Which in most cases, means being less fat.)

And I didn't make any one resolution in particular.
I did, however, commit to taking 2 vacations.
I started working out more.
I'm making some decisions about my next step in my love life (and until I really know what I want to say, I'm going to refrain from blogging about it.)

Resolution 1: I will have a bad-ass time visiting my sweet Cheryl in Lake Tahoe.

I'm taking a long weekend here next month. It's going to be amazing, I'm sure. Why not?

Resolution 2: I will run a leg of the NEW BEDFORD HALF MARATHON on March 18th. Again.

For the 2nd year in a row, we will be pushing some of our kids in the half marathon. One of my kiddos (whom I pushed last year), looked at me and said in his little voice, "Please? Push me?" And I decided I simply HAD to do it!


I have agreed to go on vacation with THESE people...

And I bought THIS...

So I'll be spending LOTS of time with my new best friend.

Positives from this week:

I re-discovered my true LOVE for apple cinnamon oatmeal.

And I found PINK ARGYLE nail strips!!!

(mine are less shiny, less claw-like, and PINK!)

So. Big few months people!
75 days until I turn 28.
