Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh hi, your hair is whack.

So I've been very confused about my hair lately. Not so much confused I guess as...unsure as to what I want to do. I want to wear it curly MOST days...but its so damn long. I want it to be blonde--but I don't want roots and I don't want it to wash me out in the winter. What is a girl to do? Wear it long and some weird in-between color.
Here's what my "middle ground" looks like...

Recently, I also struck gold with a pretty SWEET up do as well for Trishy's wedding. I loved that there was dimension to my hair and that it wasn't too blonde...then I woke up the next morning and wanted it LIGHTER! The grass is always greener!

These concerns aren't for nothing. I worry about my hair for a reason.

I've made MISTAKES before...

Exhibit A: 2003.

I think it goes without saying that a curly brown bob wasn't the way to go. Boo. Oh hi, wanna date me? No? Cool.

Exhibit B: But what are you talking about, Laura? This pretty updo?


How about when I forget to curl the back/underneath? Thanks for getting this SWEET back shot of my UNFINISHED hair, Ana! I'm really sexy. From. the. front. only.

And sometimes, for fun, I like to straighten my hair to the point where it sits FLAT AGAINST MY SKULL. No big deal. My dress is hot.

And let's not forget when I decide to go PLATINUM in the middle of winter. That won't wash you out and make your skin look "dusty rose" colored.

And wait till the cut grows out. Then you try to wear it curly and get that super fun, frizzy in-between length. Shown here. Circa 2007.

But I've had good hair too.

I've come to the conclusion that my hair looks best TWO ways...

Look 1: Shorter and Straightened. Golden Blonde.

Look 2: Long and Wavy. White blonde mixed with Golden Blonde.

So basically, I cut my hair like once every 12-18 months. In between, I grow it until it looks like the above picture. Then I CUT it so it looks like "Look 1". Either way, brown hair isn't working and neither is platinum blonde.

I wanted to share some of my WORST hair moments with you guys--so that maybe you realize that my fears about having bad hair are NOT unfounded!

Bad things CAN happen to good hair.

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