Friday, July 27, 2012


Pounds lost: 55
Pounds to original goal: 15
Pounds to final goal: 25

just sayin' :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Back! An Intimate Portrait...

I decided to revive my former "intimate portrait" series. And today's victim is none other than Angela

I was thinking of Ang and Gabe this week, about how they are going to be "mommy" and "daddy" soon, and decided that it was a perfect time to dedicate a post to my gorgeous friend! 

Ang & I at Rachael's Wedding

When Angela and Gabe moved to RI four years ago, they quickly became close with everyone. 
There are so many wonderful memories with the "girls" over the past few years. 

Angela brings life to any party! 

We first bonded (though we'd met before) at Lynne and Paul's wedding, when we realized we were wearing matching Spanx. 
 Sidenote: My body size in this picture is mortifying. But that's neither here nor there. 

Ang and Gabe are sweethearts, originally from Kansas (Where they live now.) 

Angela has already been a mommy twice, to Samson and Siena. 

One of the things I admire most about Angela is her courage when it comes to following her dreams. 
She had a successful corporate job, and decided to up and QUIT to become a teacher. 
Which, go figure, is basically a perfect fit for her. 

But the thing is, how often do people ALMOST do something amazing, and then chicken out? 
I am so proud to be friends with someone who doesn't settle. 

And then, surprise! Another adventure...

And there aren't enough onesies in the world to describe how excited the RI gang is for the first baby! 

But summer does bring back lots of amazing memories...
Like this day we had the pool party...
And it makes me miss my friend! But...I digress....

More About Angela...

She loves K-State. (Obvi.) 

 She still comes back to visit (although not for a while now that Lil Spoon is on the way!)

She doesn't back down from a solid opportunity to wear taffeta to an 80s theme party.

She fully commits to dance moves. 

She is super fit and healthy! 

Though she DOES like her sweets on occasion...

She knows how to sex-up a photo op. 

And, well, always has something to share! :)

I did not witness this, but CLEARLY she's a karaoke queen. 

And is still SUPER HOT even though she's pregnant! (WTF)

She's even polite to creepers. 

Well, anyway, that's my dedication to my one-and-only small spoon!!! 
Miss you mama!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


 Here's my stomach at 199 lbs. (Late May)

And here it is at 187.  (Late July)

So maybe 12 lbs. in 2 months isn't a huge number. But that tummy is DEFINITELY getting flatter!!! 

187. But still hot.

That's right. I haven't lost a pound in 3 weeks. 
Whatever, I'll get there. 

In any case...

This weekend, I bought my first pair of SKINNY(ish) Jeans!!! 


I also bought a super cute Karina headband at ULTA. 

AND bought a dress from Macy's. In size TEN

I literally can't wait until I'm at goal weight. I know this isn't much of an update, but the reality is, I don't have much going on other than LOVING LIFE and GETTING HEALTHY. 

I'll try to write something interesting ASAP. 
Upcoming: Trina's bachelorette. That should be a TASTY update! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Debbie Downer

I decided to quickly share some not-so-funny or amusing feelings that I've been having over the last few days. It has to do with my work with children with special needs. What can I say? It can't always be rainbows, right? Sorry if you were looking for a light-hearted blog.

Honestly, one of the WORST parts of working with disabled children is when YOU know the child probably has a diagnosis and the PARENT has no idea.

It has happened many times over the past few years. Autism. Genetic disorders. Cerebral Palsy.

And it happened AGAIN today.

I've known for a month or two that this child is DELAYED. In Early Intervention, you qualify for services based on certain diagnoses, but most children qualify based on delays in development. There are so many pieces that don't add up with this baby.

But I've learned you never assume anything.

What looks like it could be one thing can be another. There's more than one reason a child may prefer to turn to one side, have trouble sitting up, or show a motor delay.

And so, YES, at first glance, this baby appeared to possibly have a neurological disorder. Tightness. Pulling to one side. Staring episodes. The works...

But then I can think of OTHER reasons that child may be doing what he's doing. And diagnoses are only helpful when they help explain behavior or give families resources. Assigning a child with a random diagnosis can be devastating to a family and not do much good. PLUS, just because I have a "feeling," doesn't mean it's right.

And today, I took an honest look and realized that I am ~90% sure this child has cerebral palsy...

It's my responsibility to somehow balance the need to be honest with the parent AND my job of meeting the parents where they are at. Meaning, sometimes these people are NOT READY. If you hit them with the bad news, BAM!!!...guess who's the bad guy? Not the cerebral palsy, but YOU...the physical therapist bearer of doomsday.

It can be difficult to utter those words parents don't want to hear. Two of the most scary tend to be "neurologist" and "genetic."

Some parents shut down at the word neurologist.

Like today.

One parent avoided the conversation completely by going on the computer. The other looked so SAD...and it just broke my heart.

I know this is part of the job. We're people's homes, to tell the TRUTH. To help them through the whole process...diagnosis, offer a hug or a sympathetic ear. But it NEVER gets easier to tell someone there is something seriously wrong with their baby. 

But isn't that the whole point? We can't prevent cerebral palsy, autism, Down Syndrome...BUT we can be there to make life for these children more full, and help their families in any way possible.


This is a completely random post. Including lots of stuff, not necessarily related or cohesive. 

1. I bought a $2 raft from Benny's to sleep on tonight, when I go camping with the Betty Whites. I'm not sure this brilliant plan (Brian's idea), will pan out...but at least I only spent two bucks! 

2. I need to get real about my weight. In general, I do NOT share how much I weigh. It's been a dirty SECRET for years. I have been slowly revealing (to family, friends) so that I get used to the idea that my weight is not going to be this deep dark secret anymore.

I seriously considered taking this down. I wasn't sure I was "ready." But I'm convinced that, sometimes, going public with something that has been such a struggle is JUST the thing to do.

3. I found lots of cool stuff (toys for cheap) at the Dollar Store!


A "CARS" Puzzle

Homemade Dora Necklaces
(Originally these were Bud Light necklaces the Betty Whites got at Wicked Good. I covered them with Dora Stickers!)
Do NOT estimate how much kids love Dora. 
You all think these are lame, I'm assuming. 
The kids are going to lose their shit. 

And new mardi gras beads to replenish my stash! 

4. Brian SERIOUSLY needs to stop beating sushi. SIX TIMES IN THREE WEEKS. And we're going again in 20 minutes.  (P.S. if you're in the Plymouth area, try SUSHI JOY. Delicious!)

5. Had a great 4th of July, including rollerblading on the bike path, drinks and fireworks, and a cookout at Michaela's house!!! :) This pic is of us at the canal, after rollerblading! 

Finally, congrats to Tracey and Shaun on their wedding! I didn't take many pictures, but it was a beautiful day and she was such a beautiful bride! We had a great time!